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Guide to using CSync

1. Creating a serializable config class

To begin, we will create a new class that will inherit from SyncedInstance.
We must then add the [DataContract] attribute for this to be synced with clients.

public class Config : SyncedInstance<Config>

Within this class, we can now begin writing out our config entries that we want to sync.
We must also mark them with the [DataMember] attribute for the serializer to recognize them.

public class Config : SyncedInstance<Config> {
    public ConfigEntry<float> DISPLAY_DEBUG_INFO { get; private set; }

    [DataMember] public SyncedEntry<float> MOVEMENT_SPEED { get; private set; }
    [DataMember] public SyncedEntry<float> CLIMB_SPEED { get; private set; }


When using client side and synced entries in the same class, any instance of ConfigEntry should NOT be marked with [DataMember] to avoid BepInEx runtime errors.

2. Binding config entries

Before binding, we will add the following line at the top of the constructor.


We can now bind our entries to the BepInEx config file like usual, however we will use the dedicated BindSyncedEntry extension method provided by CSync.

public Config(ConfigFile cfg) {

    MOVEMENT_SPEED = cfg.BindSyncedEntry("Movement", "fMovementSpeed", 4.1f,
        "The base speed at which the player moves. This is NOT a multiplier."

    CLIMB_SPEED = cfg.BindSyncedEntry("Movement", "fClimbSpeed", 3.9f,
        "The base speed at which the player climbs. This is NOT a multiplier."

3. Adding synchronization methods

We will now place the following methods within the class, making sure to replace PluginInfo.PLUGIN_GUID if it is defined elsewhere.


If you specify a GUID that is not unique, your mod will conflict with other mods that use CSync.

internal static void RequestSync() {
    if (!IsClient) return;

    using FastBufferWriter stream = new(IntSize, Allocator.Temp);

    // Method `OnRequestSync` will then get called on host.

internal static void OnRequestSync(ulong clientId, FastBufferReader _) {
    if (!IsHost) return;

    byte[] array = SerializeToBytes(Instance);
    int value = array.Length;

    using FastBufferWriter stream = new(value + IntSize, Allocator.Temp);

    try {
        stream.WriteValueSafe(in value, default);

        stream.SendMessage($"{PluginInfo.PLUGIN_GUID}_OnReceiveConfigSync", clientId);
    } catch(Exception e) {
        Plugin.Logger.LogError($"Error occurred syncing config with client: {clientId}\n{e}");

internal static void OnReceiveSync(ulong _, FastBufferReader reader) {
    if (!reader.TryBeginRead(IntSize)) {
        Plugin.Logger.LogError("Config sync error: Could not begin reading buffer.");

    reader.ReadValueSafe(out int val, default);
    if (!reader.TryBeginRead(val)) {
        Plugin.Logger.LogError("Config sync error: Host could not sync.");

    byte[] data = new byte[val];
    reader.ReadBytesSafe(ref data, val);

    try {
    } catch(Exception e) {
        Plugin.Logger.LogError($"Error syncing config instance!\n{e}");

4. Apply Harmony patches

Add in the following method and make sure the GUID is defined just like the previous step.

[HarmonyPatch(typeof(PlayerControllerB), "ConnectClientToPlayerObject")]
public static void InitializeLocalPlayer() {
    if (IsHost) {
        MessageManager.RegisterNamedMessageHandler($"{PluginInfo.PLUGIN_GUID}_OnRequestConfigSync", OnRequestSync);
        Synced = true;


    Synced = false;
    MessageManager.RegisterNamedMessageHandler($"{PluginInfo.PLUGIN_GUID}_OnReceiveConfigSync", OnReceiveSync);

Finally, we need to make sure the client reverts back to their own config upon leaving.

[HarmonyPatch(typeof(GameNetworkManager), "StartDisconnect")]
public static void PlayerLeave() {

Finalizing and Publishing

It is recommended you inform BepInEx that you depend upon CSync.
You can do this by adding a BepInDependency attribute and specifying the GUID of this library.

[BepInPlugin(PluginInfo.PLUGIN_GUID, PluginInfo.PLUGIN_NAME, PluginInfo.PLUGIN_VERSION)]
public class MyPlugin : BaseUnityPlugin

If you plan to upload your mod to Thunderstore, make sure you also specify the dependency within your manifest.json file by adding its Thunderstore ID to the array.

"dependencies": ["BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100", "Owen3H-CSync-1.0.8"]


Please ensure your manifest contains the latest version, the one seen above may be outdated!